Sunday, April 12, 2015

for jackson

i don't think you have been here and i don't know if you'd tell me if you ever read the words i leave in this place... it is not always pretty but neither of us are perfect and the best we can do is share the smile on each other's face... i know you care and try to be kind and you know i care and do the same and i know it's challenging for you because it's so one sided in some ways, especially finacially, and i know it's not the wisest thing i can do to give so much to you, but you need the help and i love helping so it's a win-win for the moment and there's always hope it will balance out in the end (hope you win the lottery, hope you share that laugh with me, hope one day that we can be, as serious with honesty, as we really want to be) and i know you appreciate me much more than you can show or say so please feel good cuz you help me feel good and i want you to know (hear the music play?) i am trying to tell you in my own babbling way that i wish you a beautiful wonderful warm and fuzzy seriously loved happy happy birthday...

happy birthday jackson
you are my family
and whatever i mean to you, you should know
you probably mean more to me
odds are you've got more years than i have left
and more people in your friends and family tree
so i don't expect you to always have time
but i want you to know as long as i live
you can call on me, you can count on me
you're my family
and today in my way i just want to say
happy happy happy birthday
happy happy every day

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Catch up (and know more)

musical distractions

If people had visible signs or meters that told something about them, what would you want it to tell you?

dumb poll (above), smart responders

all the previous poll votes were somehow erased, so, nevermind... ironically or coincidentally or whatever, the results were very close in practical numbers to the results above shown with just three votes, if you understand the mathematics behind that extrapolative reasoning... i will probably remove the poll at some point... it is a ridiculously useless feature...


the thing is, with my tendency to babble and meander and whine and allow distraction to take the lead more often than not, even in this blog that sort of meant to merge brevity with focus like some bloggers do, searching for key words does not always lead to specific information about the subject of that key word... but... here is a start at an easy way to search for key words in this blog... use the search box at the top of the blog to search for words not listed here... if ya wanna, that is... and feel free to suggest words to add to this search shortcut section... click on the words below :)

WORK ... JOB ... MUSIC ... LOVE ... SOFTBALL ... KA ... 42 ... LOL ... LAM ... LAA ... ... ...