read me, read me (click here) and click through the links inside
no no, read and click through on the links in this one
it just continues
a dozen new entries passed in the past few moments... catch them before they disappear... cuz they could, like everything, there is transience in this temporary existence... so think, feel, click back to catch up, read, and continue...
silly puppy, all the secrets of the universe (or maybe mostly to me) are contained within the links within the entries within the blogs within the interweb, especially the entries linked in this entry and the entries linked in the entries linked in this entry and (did you notice any entries linked in this entry yet?... i know, i can be so subtle it's baffling... probably because it's craig ferguson's birthday... even if mila kunis isn't on)...
so i just must have known, having said just a few hours ago, "no harpo, i don't want to come over and hold your leg tonight" and i had no clue that i would be watching craig (without mila, i know) celebrate his birthday with the william of shatner (shat what?... shat where?) because i've already seen the other stuff that was on and i somehow checked the listings and found it was minutes away from the start of craig (so i saw a bit of one of the hottest smiles and cutest faces and sweetest bodies {feel free to rearrange the adjectives as you wish} on tv on extra... and maria is cute too... see what i did there?... seriously, maria, i'd hold your leg if you came over)...
what?... who?... where?... when?... (don't ask why)... (or how)... ok, this entry will hold our place until i get back and catch up a bit, maybe even babble... even without mila... or maria... wandering away now before i start singing west side story.. tonight?...
whut?... oh narf already :)
see what i mean? (maybe... i think?)...
a 4am entry, no doubt... worth repeating, i think... if you don't like the music, turn it off... so maybe the entries have been superficial and trivial of late... definitely some... definitely not others, but who can tell with my love of secret obscurities and buried links and such... mostly i'd rather enjoy myself than lament over missing sharing and missing music and missing people who share intimacy through lyrical magic and eye contact and all the fun of the fairs, or something like that... loving music saves me (saved by the music, remember me, my friend?)... i listen to the mixes (this one auto-plays, just so you know) people have made for me (and other random music i find that touches me) and those i made that i can still access (missing those, like the stolen child, kept out of my reach so far away)... and even though the people who made the mixes do not share what they shared anymore (or maybe they never really listened to the words) and nobody around here shares musical meanings and messages the way they can be shared (the way i do), the bliss can still be found inside... so life outside stays the shallows mostly... but deep down, you know why i really come here...
after all, somebody might wave back :)
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