Thursday, January 2, 2014

there was not, by any means, reason

at least that is the sign i see in most people's eyes, and minds, for that matter... just a lot of gobblygoop about gods and devils and the way things are supposed to be because, well, they just are... we need distraction, amusement, entertainment, to keep from fearing the unknown and most everything else... we need answers, even when there are none to be found at the moment, we can make some up just to believe we know what we don't really know... he wants to be powerful, she wants to be loved, neither want to be hurt or abused, but they do it anyway... it's human nature, at least until they learn... grow... evolved... the world is not really flat, but we can still fall...

so yes, we foolishly did not listen (or read well, for that matter) and missed the essence of life, but that is ok, for it is our choice... it was the best of times and the worst of times and the song remains the same cuz it's still the same old story and all the old pretensious glory of the battles and the killings and the war between the sexes and ideas and properties... don't let the credits fool you, nobody wants to own the hypocrisy...

still, it turns me on...

narf :)

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Catch up (and know more)

musical distractions

If people had visible signs or meters that told something about them, what would you want it to tell you?

dumb poll (above), smart responders

all the previous poll votes were somehow erased, so, nevermind... ironically or coincidentally or whatever, the results were very close in practical numbers to the results above shown with just three votes, if you understand the mathematics behind that extrapolative reasoning... i will probably remove the poll at some point... it is a ridiculously useless feature...


the thing is, with my tendency to babble and meander and whine and allow distraction to take the lead more often than not, even in this blog that sort of meant to merge brevity with focus like some bloggers do, searching for key words does not always lead to specific information about the subject of that key word... but... here is a start at an easy way to search for key words in this blog... use the search box at the top of the blog to search for words not listed here... if ya wanna, that is... and feel free to suggest words to add to this search shortcut section... click on the words below :)

WORK ... JOB ... MUSIC ... LOVE ... SOFTBALL ... KA ... 42 ... LOL ... LAM ... LAA ... ... ...