Tuesday, August 25, 2015


when there is nothing to say or something, when there is just a black space, an empty box, no words flowing, there are many things that can be done... superfragilisticexpialidocious, for one... crying depression self-pity party is another choice, but that gets so old so fast... rash craziness or even dangerous liasons may help some, but i got bored with that choice long ago... rambling silliness about irreverent nonsense disguised as profound wisdom (or is it the other way around?) with random questions and asides tossed in is a method i use routinely and that may be where we are headed now, but at the start of this entry even that was not coming probably because the episode of dr who where the future amy dies was coming to a climax and even though i knew the outcome it is a sad drama and i do love me some whovians... still thinking doctor #9 was my favorite doctor and the last (current) companion is my favorite companion but there are a couple of very close calls on the companions (the current one wins because she has libbo firmly on her side, for whatever it matters to her or any of them or you, for that matter lol lam)...

i remember when a girl looked at me as if i was the only thing that existed in the universe... sigh... that was one of the most wonderful feelings ever, probably the best ego-food ever, but it was a whole lot more than ego-food when it was the right girl... can we embrace the coincidence (if there are any coincidences) and sing once in love with amy one more time? (with a big cheesy grin, of course)... oh, someday you'll all understand...

narf lol lam lal laa :)

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Catch up (and know more)

musical distractions

If people had visible signs or meters that told something about them, what would you want it to tell you?

dumb poll (above), smart responders

all the previous poll votes were somehow erased, so, nevermind... ironically or coincidentally or whatever, the results were very close in practical numbers to the results above shown with just three votes, if you understand the mathematics behind that extrapolative reasoning... i will probably remove the poll at some point... it is a ridiculously useless feature...


the thing is, with my tendency to babble and meander and whine and allow distraction to take the lead more often than not, even in this blog that sort of meant to merge brevity with focus like some bloggers do, searching for key words does not always lead to specific information about the subject of that key word... but... here is a start at an easy way to search for key words in this blog... use the search box at the top of the blog to search for words not listed here... if ya wanna, that is... and feel free to suggest words to add to this search shortcut section... click on the words below :)

WORK ... JOB ... MUSIC ... LOVE ... SOFTBALL ... KA ... 42 ... LOL ... LAM ... LAA ... ... ...